Although the Coronavirus has affected our daily lives, it hasn’t really stopped the real estate market. If you’ve seen the good news about the low mortgage interest rates right now you may be itching to get out of that old house and jump into something new! So let’s get you ready to move with some tips on how you can sell your Indianapolis house quickly during the Coronavirus Pandemic!
Sell Directly
To put it quite simply, the easiest and fastest way to sell your Indianapolis house during the Coronavirus Pandemic is to work with a company that buys houses directly. 317 Home Buyers has a streamlined and very simple process, which may be much easier than working with a traditional agent! We will still need to do a walk-through of the house, yet this will be significantly less people coming into your house than if you chose to have an agent sell the house for you. If you’re not sure if this is right for you – read on!
No Open Houses
If you are going to sell or have your house listed already, you don’t have to have an open house. It’s always risky to have strangers meandering through your house. However, it’s undeniable that as a result of this virus it’s even more dangerous to have people from different households, possibly different cities or states coming into your home and wandering about and potentially spreading the virus to you and your family. If you did allow Open Houses, you would want to have strict management of all of these guests and maybe only allow so many people in at a time. With technology as great as it is, there are ways around the traditional open house, you will just need to be flexible and creative.
Create Virtual Tours
Virtual Tours have been around for some time, yet they didn’t achieve their full value until this Pandemic hit. Once your house is photo-ready, go ahead and take a walking video tour of your home. Take your time and go slowly making sure not to be too shaky or spin too quickly. These videos can easily be uploaded and shared on most real estate advertising sites, or you can upload to YouTube to share with your real estate professional. This will allow potential buyers to virtually walk through your home without bringing their germs inside! You can also hire a professional videographer to come take professional video, which will help you out even more!
When you do receive inquiries from serious buyers (including us!), you will need to make sure to clean up and sanitize commonly touched surfaces including door handles, light switches, countertops, and any other features you would like the potential buyers to be able to try out. During this time of the pandemic, it is acceptable to ask the buyer to try not to touch surfaces as much as possible; however, there are some things you just have to touch, such as light switches in the garage or hallways. Once the showing is over, you will then have to make sure to sanitize all of those surfaces over again. If you’re not present when the buyer is viewing the house, so you have to assume they have touched doors and light switches. If you are present – make sure you wear your mask and gloves, and maintain your social distance.
Use Technology
In this day and age, it is perfectly acceptable to use video conferencing or phone conferencing instead of face to face meetings when discussing the terms of the sale of your home. You can also use digital signature programs to negotiate the contract. They even have mail-away closings available so you can have a fully contactless transaction. At 317 Home Buyers we’ve been doing these things for some time, as they just make the process smoother and simpler, so we’re basically experts at leveraging different types of tech to facilitate the transaction for you.
Take it Easy
Selling your home is a lot of work and stress under normal circumstances. During the coronavirus pandemic, selling your house is bound to be more stressful because of the extra cleaning and avoidance of contact. Don’t be afraid to take the steps of selling your house at your own pace. Plan ahead for multiple showings and only allow one or two per week to cut down on your cleaning time. Make videos and pictures of your home easily available to potential buyers and real estate professionals. These tips should help you during this unprecedented time to sell your Indianapolis house during the coronavirus pandemic.